Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Great Pyramid

According to proper orthodox Egyptology the pyramid complicated on the Giza plateau are funerary structures of the three Pharaohs from the fourth dynasty practically 2575 - 2465 Bc. The Great Pyramid is attributed erroneously to Khufu (Cheops) - with the other two being those of Khafre (Chephren) and Menkaura (Mycerinus).

Author Miroslav Verner writing in The Pyramids stated:

Razor Ground Force Electric Go-Kart

"To suppose that the pyramid's only function in antique Egypt was as a royal tomb would be an oversimplification."

This is now more true than ever and I am of the idea that if the pyramids, or more specifically the Great pyramid, was built solely for burial purposes of the given King (Khufu/Cheops) then it was and will remain an unprecedented farce. It is simply unimaginable that so much effort be settled into construction a buildings of such great proportions, with such marvelous great alignments, with such exquisite precision, by thousands of human souls, all for the one purpose of burying their God-King.

In all the pyramids in Egypt, not one has delivered the full body of a Pharaoh. There have been parts - a supposed mummified foot at Djoser; fragments of a mummy in the pyramid of Unas and Pepi; an arm and shoulder at Teti and a skeleton of a young woman in the coffer of the pyramid of Menkaure. But never a full mummified body of a pharaoh that was supposed to be buried within. The Egyptologists claim that this was due to the tombs having been raided over the vast period of time. This may be true, but alternatively it may be that pyramids were used for other purposes as well, or instead of. These body parts discovered within the pyramids may be pharaonic remains, but they could just as literally be more modern burials, settled within the pyramids at a later date. A similar thing is found in the burial mounds of Europe and elsewhere. Here, the burial mounds, as sacred images of the primordial mound, womb of the mother earth or world mountain were Gateways to the Otherworld and for centuries progressive generations would cut into them and make fresh burials. This did not take away the purpose or meaning of the mounds as Gateways. In fact this use utilised the main purpose.

Were these great feats of human ingenuity and skill just for the purpose of encasing the carcass of one man? No. I will show in the book and Dvd Gateways to the Otherworld that there was much more to the whole thing. In fact, if they were built for just one man then why did Amenemhet Iii have two pyramids built, one at Dashur, which contained his granite coffer and one at Hawara with a quartzite coffer? It is claimed that one of these was a cenotaph, which comes from the Greek kenotaphion, meaning "empty tomb". Of course, this is even more remarkable, that a tomb should be built empty, and the reason given by Egyptologists is simply that it would confuse the "tomb raiders". So thieves were stupid then?

The only so-called evidence that the Great Pyramid was built for Khufu is scant to say the least. Herodotus, the infamous Roman historian visited the pyramids in 443 Bc and claimed that Khufu was buried underneath the pyramid, not in it. This was two thousand years after the supposed event. We simply cannot trust what we read today in our newspapers, let alone believe Herodotus and his interpretation of what he was lead to believe.

The next piece of "evidence" is extremely controversial as it relies upon some difficult to see, let alone decipher "inscriptions" on a funerary complicated near the Great Pyramid claiming to be "in the time of Khufu." Again, and lastly, in the pyramid itself the hieroglyphic seal for Khufu himself as a quarry mark was discovered by archaeologist Richard Howard-Vyse who is now believed to have forged it under pressure of competition from modern foreign archaeologists - namely the Italian Caviglia.

So, we are left with an inscription "near" the pyramid, a fake hieroglyph and a two and a half thousand year old text based upon hearsay. This is hardly evidence for it to be the burial place of Khufu, let alone for anyone else, although it is perfectly inherent that Khufu was buried at this "special" place where later or earlier a pyramid was constructed. The pyramid any way remains an enigma; regardless of what we are led to believe.

This unproven nonsense has pervaded Egyptology ever since, regardless of any other reason for the existence of the pyramids.

Now there is someone else reason.

The Great pyramid of Giza is to be found arguably at the centre of the earth's landmass (30 degrees north, 31 degrees east) - both north-south and east-west. It is in the exquisite location - at the centre - for collecting the "earth energy" as Tesla proved with his experiments on resonance as we shall see, it is also the exquisite shape and size. To add to this, the two materials used were also perfect, as I shall explain. But first we need to take a foray into the world of Tesla.

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an eccentric and brilliant creator who managed to harness the alternating current we use today as well as radio, florescent lighting and much more. Tesla believed he could send waves of electricity directly to our homes straight through the earth and/or ether without the use of wires and without harming anybody along the way by simply applying a subtle push-pull resonator. In 1901 Tesla said "my next step was to use the earth itself as the medium for conducting the currents..." and he did.

Tesla successfully sent electricity 26 miles and extracted it using a "magnifying receiver". This is an imaginable idea that power waves, even extremely low frequency waves, could be sent nearby the globe and then with a magnifying receiver they could be picked up and understood or used. In fact Tesla even "tuned" in his pyramid shaped magnifying transmitter to the resonance of the earth and found that his co-workers were becoming ill with symptoms of "extreme tension of the nerves."

Tesla discovered that "The Earth was found to be literally alive with electrical vibrations, and soon I was deeply absorbed in this enchanting investigation." Tesla continued and revealed his feelings; "My first observations literally terrified me, as there was gift in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural." This excellent supernatural power will be explained fully in the new book and it has imaginable ramifications for us all, and the time to come of mankind.

"It was some time afterward when the idea flashed upon my mind that the disturbances I had observed might be due to an enchanting control."

It would be many years later that Schumann would explore the resonance of the earth and prove that it had its own wave-particle pattern and that it can be altered by the surrounding universe and any estimate of other external influences. How does it do this? The chaotic beginnings of the big bang are still very much in the realms of theory and there is someone else theory, which goes that the universe is a standing wave being pushed and pulled by some impulse. This impulse pushes and pulls the standing wave, which then does the same to its neighbour and hey presto light can voyage over the universe as a wave cascade, without loss of power - a perpetual motion.

Tesla had discovered "intelligent" signals by pure accident and stated the case. Unfortunately straight through circumstances outside of his own operate he never did get nearby to seriously working on the phenomena and nobody since him has had the intelligence or will to see the issue through. What Tesla discovered any way was found within the Elf (electro-magnetic frequency) field, the low frequency band widths. Many people are out there, not least of whom are Seti (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) looking on the megahertz level, when they should be redirecting their hunt back down to earth and to the extremely low frequency, before the movable phone masts wholly engulf us.

What struck me though was, Tesla's receivers were great towers with pyramids on top and Tesla's insistence that to be at the centre of the land mass (dependent upon where you are) would be far more useful to the purpose of the machinery.

So, Tesla discovered the resonance of the earth and that this resonance had enchanting or supernatural attributes. The resonance of the earth is in the same 0-40 Hz as the human "mind", the same mind, which is constantly emitting signals into the environment nearby it. These signals are much more than just waves, they are also particles - they are therefore "matter".

We see stars in the sky, itsybitsy lights flickering billions of light years away. Many of these lights are no longer there; they are stars that have died, and yet we still see the light. This light, we now know to be wave-matter-particle; we know it is the continued life of that star. We ourselves, as part and parcel of the whole universal constants and laws of chaos and order, are nothing separate to those stars. We are also putting out signals, which will continue as wave-matter-particles, even after we have died.

Amazingly Tesla described these electromagnetic signals as writing materials parallel circles forming on the outside of the earth. These are no separate to the circles mankind has been perceiving and materialising here on the earth for thousands of years, as stone circles, rock art and all manner of mysterious artefacts. And where would the most powerful, public electromagnetic current regain other than at the centre of the landmass. As the great and mystical saying Om turns from a circle into a quadrilateral as it reaches "mmm", so too this great variety of human idea and portion emotion turns into a quadrilateral base at the great pyramid in Giza.

So, the Great Pyramid, at the centre of the earth's landmass and as a exquisite shape for receiving the resonance of the earth, simply must have a best reason for existing than as a large coffin for one man.

Lets break it all down and move straight through the various elements one piece at a time.

Great Pyramid

Made up of generally solid mass with the interior spaces being the Descending and Ascending passages, the Grand Gallery, a subterranean chamber, someone else accommodation unnamed and the King and Queens chambers. The King's accommodation (so named by Arabs who attempted to raid the tomb, but found it empty) is 10.46 meters east to west; 5.23 meters north to south and 5.81 meters high. This is an architectural 3 dimensional representation of the Golden Mean or Phi - a sacred geometry well before Pythagorus.

The sides of the Great Pyramid line up practically exactly with the cardinal points (Nwse) on the compass, with an accuracy that would defy today's builders, leaving a fifth point on top. The dimensions of the earth's size and shape can be calculated using the dimensions of the pyramid, it being a scale model of the hemisphere with facts on the latitude and longitude of the earth. Adding to this the element of the earth's pre-historic tilt of very practically 22-25 degrees being built into the whole structure, then we have a truly excellent mathematical building.

The very foundations of the pyramid also defy modern construction techniques as it rests perfectly level with not one angle of the base more than 13mm higher or lower than the others. When we remember that the base covers 13 acres we can suddenly understand just how this was an imaginable feat of human engineering.

The King's accommodation is made of solid red granite movable from the quarries of Aswan six hundred miles away.

In the accommodation itself there is a coffer, idea by Egyptologists to be the remains of Khufu's sarcophagus. Nothing was ever found in the coffer, neither was there a lid. It is too big to take out of the corridor leading to and from it - indicating that it must have been laid inside as the construction was erected nearby it, which is opposite to the funerary convention of the period. There is not the slightest piece of evidence to propose that Khufu be ever laid to rest in this 3 ton granite container. There is nothing, not even any funerary implements or embalming materials, not a scrap. And yet, short of any other ideas, the orthodox situation remains that a construction with 2.3 million blocks, weighing between 2.5 and 50 tons each, of exquisite size and orientation was built for one man to be buried within. To add to this not one of the fourth dynasty Pharaohs put their names upon the pyramids supposedly built for them, whereas from the fifth dynasty onwards lawful inscriptions are in their thousands. No wonder I am constantly told by academics that they don't believe the pyramid was a tomb!

So what is the truth of the Great Pyramid? Well, firstly I decided that I should run straight through some of the theories that have been put send and some of the more esoteric beliefs, which associated to my own quest.

There are legends and traditions that claim the King's accommodation to be a place of initiation. I would in part go along with this theory, especially in relation to the rituals required or made surrounding the Gateway mythology. There are also many stories of individuals who have felt peculiar presence's or had mystical experiences within the chamber. There is also the tradition that Napoleon himself literally refused to express what happened to him in that enigmatic place, saying, "You would not believe me if I told you".

According to these modern favorite folk tales the coffer itself is the centre of the process or "energy vortex." Writer C. Dunn in his book The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of antique Egypt (Bear & Co, Santa Fe) goes so far as to say that the Great pyramid was a huge geomechanical power plant that responds to the earth's vibrations or resonance and transforms it into energy. Dunn conjectured that the geometric and physical form of the accommodation inside the pyramid turned it into a large transducer and has produced a extremely scientific determination of the subject. So there is now scientific experimentation behind these folk tales - but with a very separate purpose.

On the curative and scientific side there are stories of marvelous curative and sharpened razors. In the 1920's Antoine Bovis discovered that the heat and humidity of the King's accommodation reduced the decay rate of dead animals - something denied by orthodoxy still today. Bovis went on to form a small-scale pyramid and oriented it in the same fashion. He settled a dead cat inside and found the supervene to be the same. Following this in the 1960's Us and Czech researchers repeated the process and achieved the same results.

In the antique Egyptian language of Khemitian (black people or people from the black) the pyramid was known as Per-Neter, which can be translated in two ways - House of Nature, or more importantly the House of Energy, remarkably like "pyramid", which means Fire in the Middle. It is enchanting of course to note that Nature and power are interchangeable in this way, indicating that the Khemitians truly saw the power as from nature itself (herself). Not to mention that the word Neter (Ntr) also means neutral, which is the position one supposedly has to be in to gain entry into the Otherworld - i.e. between the gates. someone else title of course for the Giza area is Rostau, which means Gateway and is sacred to Osiris and his progenitor Sokar, the God of the Underworld. In the Book of Am-Duat, Sokar inhabits a place of the dead that even Ra, the sun god cannot entrance - this is therefore a place of darkness or black. Sokar can also be seen in the representations of the fourth and fifth hours of the Duat, standing upon his mound within what seems to be a hill topped by a black conical seal of some sort. Incidentally and perfectly related, the only way that Ra can traverse this mystical realm is by taking the form of the snake!

According to Reginald Aubrey Fessenden - author of The Deluged Civilisation of the Caucasus Isthmus (1927) - The term 'Rostau' is again a literal translation of E-kur or Akur - meaning the "great mountain" or "great house."
Ak is the first half and comes from Akh, which is "one of the five elements forming the human being seen as an aspect of the sun, the link between the human and the luminous life force. It left the body at death to join the circumpolar stars." Ur is the second half and means city. And so, the location of Akur, where the pyramids are situated means simply the city where the dead leave the body to join the stars. Add this to Rostau, meaning gateway and we truly do have the Stargate.

Writer Zecharia Sitchin tells us that the Sumerians also called their Ziggurat temple in Nippur - (a truncated, stepped-pyramid) - Ekur, a "house which is like a mountain" - but quotes a poem which exalts the goddess Ninkharsag as the mistress of the "House with a Pointed Peak" - a exquisite pyramid. This is enchanting in that the Sumerian goddess Ninkharsag is synonymous with the Egyptian Goddess Isis. The catalogue Stele - said to have been written by Khufu - states that the monument (Great Pyramid) was dedicated to Isis.

It's inherent then that Akur and Akhu both come from the same root words, as does the name Aker, which, according to the studies made by Egyptologists, is also associated with the Sphinx - being the "guardian of the entrance of the Underworld."

The Akhu or 'Shining Ones' - variously named 'Ancestors,' 'Sages,' 'Ghosts' or 'Spirits,' can also mean 'Astral spirits' as associated with the stars.

As for the serpent link, there are many antique Egyptian illustrations showing human figures on the backs of 'feathered serpents' about to ascend to the stars.

So, why would all three meanings of the Giza area and pyramid, and the myths, divulge to both a gateway and to illumination? And why would the people associated with this area be deemed to be extra "bright" or "shining" people if not for their seeming potential to entrance the illumination and hence go straight through the Rostau or Gateway.

The truth of the Great Pyramid from its history, folklore, legend and language is that the antique Egyptians saw it as the portal to someone else world. Not a world of aliens or a parallel universe, but as the exquisite antique engine to enable and to even magnify an internal altered state of consciousness. For thousands of years the tribal shaman would be the guide to the life-after and bring back fortune. He would entrance caves, holes in the ground and at last manufactured mounds such as Newgrange in Ireland. Over time the shaman became priest, leader, king and pharaoh. He alone could perceive the gods and the pyramid is the extreme postponement of this very humanly evolved process.

But this is just the beginning of an marvelous tale that will lead us into a world of wonder. For there is something much more marvelous about a world full of gateways to the otherworlds.....

Taken from the book and dvd Gateways to the Otherworld by Philip Gardiner

The Great Pyramid

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